Why Now Is a Really Good Time to Get Crystal-Clear on Your Purpose

And 5 things that definitely won’t make you feel better


We’re past the point of needing to say that “we’re living in unprecedented times.” This sh*t is just insane. And what I am experiencing and seeing from others is just a lot of anxiety. Anxiety about what is happening with the pandemic, anxiety about the political climate, anxiety about climate change — there’s just so much to digest and take in on a daily basis that is cause for concern.

5 Things That Won’t Help You Cope

When we feel uncertain about our present and future, we often attempt to cope with all sorts of mechanisms. Here are just five that I’ve found that definitely don’t work: 

  1. Trying to control absolutely everything in the present in a misguided attempt to feel like I have control. I’ve watched myself plan my days down to the minute (and mind you I have a 14-month-old son) and then feel frustrated or upset when things don’t go “according to plan.” 

  2. Incessantly watching news cycles or reading everything I can from a place of fear or wanting to be right, rather than from a place of curiosity and desiring knowledge and information. 

  3. Numbing behaviors, such as bingeing television shows, having a cocktail(s) with dinner on a Monday, online shopping for clothes that I then don’t wear because I don’t leave the house — you know, the usual. While I convince myself that it will make me feel better, it never does. Enjoying a nice glass of wine or buying some shoes that you need is one thing, but when they’re done in the service of numbing is when I start to call bullsh*t on myself. 

  4. Looking at comments on the internet. Period. 

  5. Diving into work from a place of wanting to “distract” myself rather than from a place of inspired action. 

So, what actually does help when it feels like the sky is falling or the world around us is anxiety-inducing?

The One Thing That Will

From my experience, the one thing that actually helps is when I take actions that are aligned with my own purpose. Having a sense of purpose can effectively serve as your North Star or a grounding mechanism, especially when times are as uncertain as they are right now. 

For me, this looks like having a long-term vision of the impact that I am trying to make on the world as well as being clear on what a life that I love looks like, and consistently working toward that vision. When I take action that is aligned with either of those things, it immediately helps to center me amidst the noise — this can range from actions as simple as watering my garden all the way to launching a new organization and anything in between. 

So, my friend, are you clear on your purpose? Do you have a clear idea of what a life you love could look like? If you’re not certain, I might humbly suggest it as a starting place to find something stable to hold onto right now while the world moves around us.


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