“The Purposeful Life Lab answered the most vexing, pervasive questions like, ‘Is there more to life?’ and ‘Why am I here?’” 

~ Joy O.


Do you ever find yourself thinking…

  • I want to do something to make the world a better place, but I don’t know what to do. 

  • I feel aimless, directionless, or stagnant in my current role.

  • I’d love to live a life that I am proud of and that makes me happy, but I don’t know where to start. 

  • I just wish there was more that I could do with my life.

You’re not alone. So many people feel like they want more out of life, but they don’t know where to start. I’m here to help.

Go from “going through the motions” to intentionally creating a life you love.

Imagine If…

  • you were able to identify a worthy cause that you care about to focus your time and attention on,

  • you could pinpoint the unique skills and abilities that you have that would help you make a meaningful contribution to the world,

  • you had a beautiful articulation of what a life that you actually love would look like, and

  • you were given a roadmap on how to bring all of those things together to create a life filled with purpose.

The Purposeful Life Lab will help you discover your purpose and create a plan for your entire next year to fully bringing it into your life.

What the Purposeful Life Lab has to offer:


Module 1: Purpose 101

Why is this purpose thing even important? Why should I potentially uproot my life to add more meaning to it? What are the benefits of living and working more purposefully?

In Module 1, I’ll review what purpose is, what a “purposeful life” means, and how research supports bringing more purpose into your life. Module 1 includes:

  • My personal purposeful life journey (the good, the bad, and the ugly)

  • How purpose affects your health

  • And why living with purpose can change your life



Module 2: Demystifying Purpose

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about purpose, like “How do I build a purpose-based business?” and “How can I infuse my life with more purpose?” Underneath these questions are a multitude of concerns and assumptions about what it means to get really get clear about one’s purpose.

In Module 2, I’ll walk you through the five biggest myths about purpose that often hold people back from building a truly purposeful life. We’ll review:

  • Whether your purpose should feel like your true calling

  • How much of your time and attention needs to go toward building a purposeful life

  • Whether you need to sacrifice in the name of your purpose



Module 3: Articulating Your Gifts & Skills

You might be good at something but absolutely dread doing it. (Sound familiar?) Chances are, that’s not your purpose. So how exactly do you start figuring out how you can contribute to the world in a meaningful, fulfilling — and enjoyable — way?

In Module 3, I’ll walk you through my thorough process to help you articulate your unique gifts and skills. This comprehensive work plan includes:

  • Identifying what skills you have the you enjoy doing

  • What gifts and abilities have shown up in your personal and professional life


Module 4: Finding Your Worthy Cause

Once you’ve identified and articulated your unique gifts, it’s time to determine where to invest those gifts — and why. Doing something you’re good at and that you love is the first hurdle. Now it’s time to get clear on the issue you want to improve with those skills.

Module 4 will walk you through a multi-part plan to help you identify your worthy cause that you feel passionate about taking action on. Highlights from this module include:

  • Articulating your ideal world

  • Finding causes that you care about

  • Identifying specific ways that you can contribute to your worthy cause


Module 5: Building A Life You Love

How does contributing your unique gifts and skills to a worthy cause fit into the rest of your life? How can you design a path that supports everything you care about — while preventing burnout?

Module 5 will provide you with a curated blueprint to help you identify what you truly want out of life and then build a vision around it. My comprehensive work plan includes:

  • Identifying your personal values and how you want them to inform your life

  • Articulating what makes you most joyful

  • Painting a vision for a life that you love


Module 6: Your Purposeful Life Plan

Of course, your vision looks beautiful in your imagination. But how do you get it into actionable steps that lead to seeing it manifest? What can you do today, this week, this month to start seeing your vision come to life?

In our final module, we bring all of our work together to create a holistic Purposeful Life Plan to guide you moving forward. The Purposeful Life Plan includes a clear articulation of what your new purposeful life will look like as well as:

  • Building a beautiful vision of your life and setting goals to get to where you want to go

  • Monthly check-in practices to keep you on your path

  • Quick daily and weekly practices to help you live a life that you love

What students are saying…

“This course is so helpful to people who feel lost and without purpose to realign themselves with their thoughts and dreams." 

— Zephyr M., Longmont, CO



How long is the course going to take?

Every student is different and takes the course at a varied pace, but we’ve found that the average time for course completion is around 5 hours. Hypothetically, you could do the entire course in one day if you have the space to dedicate multiple hours of concentration. We’ve also had people break the sections up and do one per day so they can digest the content a little more, which spaces the course out to an entire week, with about 45 to 60 minutes per day. Long story shorter, you can take the class based on your schedule and whatever time works for you, but we would suggest that you’ll need at least five hours to complete everything.

Who typically takes this course?

There’s not a typical demographic for the Purposeful Life Lab, but the one common denominator with our students so far is that they all feel like their life could use more meaning and they need a jumpstart to find it. We’ve had a 65-year-old woman go through the course who was soon-to-be retiring, as well as mid-30s professionals who are in search of more purpose in their lives, and everything in between.

Will I see a direct benefit to my bottom line or be able to make more money as a result of taking this course?

If your main reason for taking the course is to make more money in the short-term, I would recommend that this isn’t the best course for you. While there are myriad courses out there that will promise you immediate financial results, we’re not one of them. The Purposeful Life Lab is an investment in you and your future. Multiple studies have found that people who feel like they have purpose in their life are happier, healthier, and live longer, more fulfilled lives. That’s what we’re here to help you do. So, if you’re into the whole living longer, feeling more joyful, and being healthier thing, this course will be worth your resources.

How much does the Purposeful Life Lab cost?

The standard cost for the Purposeful Life Lab is broken down to $37 per month for 10 months or a one-time payment of $349.

What is the format of the course?

The course is broken into six chapters, where you will find a mix of videos, interactive worksheets, and handouts. The videos not only provide instruction on how to complete the worksheets, but I build into each video elements from my own personal experience doing this work. The series of worksheets are intended to build on each other, culminating in a final Purposeful Life Plan that incorporates all the worksheets from the course. In the final worksheets, we work on setting goals and providing monthly and weekly planning to help keep you on track with your newly created vision for your Purposeful Life.

Do you offer discounted pricing?

Yep! If you’re dying to take this class but you can’t find the financial resources to do so, we’re here to help. Simply email hello@frenchdunbar.com with the subject line “PLL Scholarship Request” and tell us both what you can pay and why you’re excited about taking the course.

Ready to start your purposeful life?

“Meghan has been a role model for women who want to change the world — or at least their world.”

~ Laura Hall, Partner, Why Partners; Former President, Accessories, Ralph Lauren


Why Meghan?

Yeah. It’s a great question: Why should I be the one to teach you about leading a purposeful life? Well, here’s why:

  • I’ve interviewed over a thousand purposeful leaders from around the world, including luminaries like Eileen Fisher, Lynne Twist, and Simon Sinek, about what it took to build a purposeful life that they love.

  • I’ve made the big mistakes — I’ve burned myself out in the name of a cause, I’ve lost sight of my “why” more than once, I’ve gotten caught up in ego-based thinking and what I “should” do, and I’ve failed very publicly — and I’ve made it to the other side.

  • I’ve built a life I truly love, employing all the wisdom from the incredible leaders I’ve spoken to, and from my own experience (the good, bad, and ugly) of building and selling my own business.

  • I truly care. I come alive when I get to help others figure out their purpose. This class was created from that place of love.

“Meghan is able to inspire and provide practical tools on stage to hundreds as well as coaching one on one. You will be compelled to become the best of who you are as Meghan mirrors to you your strengths, vulnerabilities, and the power of collaboration." 

~ Dr. Anita Sanchez, speaker, trainer, author of international award-winning book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times.